Voice and Vision

One Woman's WORDS AND WORKS •grapple •inspire •liberate

164: Au Revoir

One-way conversations are difficult.  When you speak but never receive a response perhaps it indicates you ought not be speaking. I’ve loved writing this blog but I think it’s time to end this endeavor.

Writing has always been vital to me. I hope my sharing has been somewhat inspiring for those who’ve wandered onto this site.  Ideas that floated into my consciousness found voice, then vision, words and art works mingling, bouncing into a new posting every Sunday for over three years. I hope you found some postings meaningful, informing, challenging, entertaining, or, at least, worth your time.

Ideas matter. Listening for them to create a posting, receiving them, watching them come together has been a miraculous happening each week–one I’ve enjoyed and faithfully worked at. My husband says he’ll miss my posts; his favorite part: the arrival of the painting that comes at the end of the words to see how the two unite. I often don’t know myself how it will come together but I trust it always will and it always does.  I think the trust part is my favorite.

Listening for and sending ideas out into the stratosphere is a fine occupation. How easily I could go on writing and sharing my art! But I think I need more time for painting, more time, too, to read about everything I want to know about–and that’s quite a lot! More time for contemplative prayer, for cleaning house, baking bread, gardening, playing with our dog, perhaps even trying another kind of writing–I’ve written two books, perhaps a third is gestating?

If anyone is out there listening, thank you for following my voice and vision, words and works for 164 postings! Time is our most precious human commodity and I appreciate your taking time to read what I’ve written, to see what I’ve painted. I also thank my talented daughter who set up this website and did the actual posting of entries for me each week. She’s a gem (btw, if you need a digital marketer, let her know!).

Try your own writing. Keep a journal or a notebook of ideas as they pour into you. The gift is listening, then the writing comes.

Au revoir! (I’d say if we were in Giverny painting Monet’s water lilies or in Paris sketching a quaint alleyway).  Or, Cwtch! (look it up, its Welsh). But Goodbye will do.


Arret, framed watercolor, approx. 24" x 30" $575 by Gwendolyn Evans

Arret, framed watercolor, approx. 24″ x 30″ $575 by Gwendolyn Evans

Artwork:  Arret, framed watercolor, approx. 24″ x 30″ $575.

On one of my later trips to France while staying in Antibes, I painted this shadowed alley with its ubiquitous sign for “stop, no entry.”

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