Voice and Vision

One Woman's WORDS AND WORKS •grapple •inspire •liberate

38: Christmas, 2021

Blue glow before dawn wakes me.

Stars flicker,

Venus shines,

Moon day-bright,

Icicles glitter,

Wind blows,

Hawks, loons, gulls, crows cry a morning chorus,

Ocean waves still rush rocks, as in summer,

Coastal flowers, now rose hips, keep plump-red winter-long,

Winterberry, too, bursts in daylight against tall viridian pines,

I snuggle down,

Book in hand,

Fire beginning a blaze,

Handel’s soft Messiah sounds,

Dog cuddling close,

In thought, a smile for children far away but dearly loved,

Christ’s presence felt,

Christmas, 2021


Coastal Roses, framed oil on wood panel, 22" x 18" by Gwendolyn Evans.

Coastal Roses, framed oil on wood panel, 22″ x 18″ by Gwendolyn Evans.


About the Artwork:  Coastal Roses, framed oil on wood panel, 22″ x 18″:  I painted this a few months ago following a favorite frequent walk along the ocean where this scene always grabs me.

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