Voice and Vision

One Woman's WORDS AND WORKS •grapple •inspire •liberate

87: Keeping Earth

“Entire countries that are present here will simply disappear from the surface of the planet. Most of all the ice on the world will melt. Cities we love and live in will be gone. It’s such a drama in front of us that we simply have to make sure that we stick to what we were told to do in Glasgow,” said Espen Barth Eide, Norway’s minister of climate and environment at a recent international meeting. (from NYTimes article, 11/19/22)

The U.S. has put more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than any nation in history, threatening the continuing existence of other nations who contribute next to nothing to the climate crisis. How can we be so selfish, cruel, uncaring?

We are a nation overflowing with entrepreneurs, celebrities, billionaires, cars, electronics, fuel, food, gadgets, every material thing, but we can’t aid other countries’ survival by stopping our wanton lust for climate-destroying stuff and acts? How is this possible?  Have we lost our way?

Have we forgotten what it means to be human?  To care about others? Animal life and plant life as well as human? Even pets–dogs and cats are beaten, starved, abandoned by vile humans to such an extent that in the U.S. there are over 44,000 animal rights organizations trying to protect them. And wild animals such as rhinos are nearly extinct, elephants are dwindling in drought, some species of birds, bees, butterflies, and fish are disappearing–all due to climate change and selfish human behavior.

The problem of climate change is huge, frightening, and, too often, ignored. To ignore the climate crisis is plain stupid. Will we go the way of the dinosaurs? Is it too late to use our intelligence, energy, and money to prevent annihilation?

Some environmental experts say we have 5 to7 years in which to change our ways. If the planet warms over 1.5 Celsius (and it is 1.15 to 1.28 now) it will be devastating to life as we know it.

There are days when mass murders, hate crimes, and mean political talk reverberate through our air waves, our streets, polluting our homes, schools, and places of work.  Is there a connection between the two types of pollution, the increased heat in our behavior and in our planet? I wonder.

In my wonderment, I turned to the first words of Genesis: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” including mankind and all animals, establishing mankind to govern all.  To govern does not mean to abuse or misuse. Good government includes responsibility, wisdom, and care. Psalms says “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” suggesting what a high purpose we have been given as stewards of earth, of the Creator’s whole creation. This bestowal implies we must urgently tackle the climate problems we have caused. To do so is part of our very purpose for being and the only path to peace.

One at Peace, watercolor, approx. 30"x26" by Gwendolyn Evans

One at Peace, watercolor, approx. 30″x26″ by Gwendolyn Evans

ArtworkOne at Peace, watercolor, approx.30″x26″. I don’t know what happened to this painting but I know I painted it when we lived in Shawnee-on-Delaware, PA. and it was my dog at the Delaware River. All our Bernese Mountain Dogs and Landseer Newfoundland loved to swim, walk or rest by the water, whether it was the huge natural waterfall in our backyard or the Delaware River a short stroll from our 1736 house.


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